Source code for archmap

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from urllib.request import urlopen
import csv

from geojson import Feature, Point, FeatureCollection, dumps
from simplekml import Kml

    from geojsonio import to_geojsonio
    geojsonio = False

    from systemd import journal
    systemd = True
    systemd = False

# Define the verbosity level:
# '0' will disable the message printing,
# '1' will enable it.
default_verbosity = 0

# Set the default config file location, this is overridden if the --config switch is used.
# If the --geojson, --kml or --csv switches are used,
# they will override the settings in the config file.
default_config = "/etc/archmap.conf"

# Set the output locations for users, geojson, kml and csv.
# Setting 'default_geojson', 'default_kml' or 'default_csv' to "no",
# will disable the output.
# These settings are overridden by the config file, if it file exsits.
default_users = "/tmp/users.txt"
default_geojson = "/tmp/output.geojson"
default_kml = "/tmp/output.kml"
default_csv = "no"

# Send the geojson to via a GitHub gist,
# anything other than 'no' will enable this feature.
default_geojsonio = "no"

[docs]def message(message, verbosity, systemd=systemd): """This function takes a string in ``message``. If ``verbosity`` >= ``1`` it will print out ``message``. If ``systemd`` is not ``False`` (the system uses the systemd journal), it will log to it using ``message``. """ if verbosity >= 1: print("==> " + message) if systemd is not False: journal.send(message + ".", SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER="ArchMap")
[docs]def get_users(output_file, verbosity): """This funtion parses users from the ArchWiki and writes it to ``output_file`` If ``verbosity`` >= ``1`` it will print out the string passed to ``message()``. """ # Open and decode the ArchWiki page containing the list of users. message("Getting users from the ArchWiki", verbosity) wiki = urlopen("") wiki_source = # Grab the user data between the second set of <pre> tags. wiki_text_start = wiki_source.find('<pre>', wiki_source.find('<pre>') + 1) + 6 wiki_text_end = wiki_source.find('</pre>', wiki_source.find('</pre>') + 1) - 1 wiki_text = wiki_source[wiki_text_start:wiki_text_end] # Write the 'wiki_text' to 'output_file'. message("Writing users to " + output_file, verbosity) wiki_output = open(output_file, 'w') wiki_output.write(wiki_text) wiki_output.close()
[docs]def parse_users(users_file, verbosity): """This function parses the wiki text from ``users_file`` into it's components. It returns a list of lists, each sub_list has 4 elements: ``[latitude, longitude, name, comment]`` If ``verbosity`` >= ``1`` it will print out the string passed to ``message()``. """ users = open(users_file, 'r') parsed = [] message("Parsing ArchWiki text", verbosity) for line in users: elements = line.split('"') coords = elements[0].strip(' ') coords = coords.split(',') latitude = float(coords[0]) longitude = float(coords[1]) name = elements[1].strip() comment = elements[2].strip() comment = comment[2:] parsed.append([latitude, longitude, name, comment]) users.close() return parsed
[docs]def make_geojson(parsed_users, output_file, send_to_geojsonio, verbosity): """This function reads the user data supplied by ``parsed_users``, it then generates geojson output and writes it to ``output_file``. ``parsed_users`` should be a list of lists, each sub_list should have 4 elements: ``[latitude, longitude, name, comment]`` If you set ``send_to_geojsonio`` to ``True`` it will send the raw geojson to via a GitHub gist. If ``verbosity`` >= ``1`` it will print out the string passed to ``message()``. """ geojson = [] message("Making geosjon", verbosity) for user in parsed_users: # Generate a geojson point feature for the user and add it to 'geojson'. point = Point((user[1], user[0])) feature = Feature(geometry=point, properties={"Comment": user[3], "Name": user[2]}) geojson.append(feature) # Make 'geojson_str' for output. geojson_str = (dumps(FeatureCollection(geojson))) # Make 'geojson_str' look pretty, # then write 'geojson_str_pretty' to 'output_file' if wanted. if output_file != "no": message("Tidying up geojson", verbosity) geojson_str_pretty = geojson_str geojson_str_pretty = geojson_str_pretty.replace('"features": [', '"features": [\n') geojson_str_pretty = geojson_str_pretty.replace('}}, ', '}},\n') geojson_str_pretty = geojson_str_pretty.replace('}}]', '}}\n]') message("Writing geojson to " + output_file, verbosity) output = open(output_file, 'w') output.write(geojson_str_pretty) output.close() # Send the geojson to via a GitHub gist if wanted. if send_to_geojsonio is True: message("Sending geojson to", verbosity) to_geojsonio(geojson_str)
[docs]def make_kml(parsed_users, output_file, verbosity): """This function reads the user data supplied by ``parsed_users``, it then generates kml output and writes it to ``output_file``. ``parsed_users`` should be a list of lists, each sub_list should have 4 elements: ``[latitude, longitude, name, comment]`` If ``verbosity`` >= ``1`` it will print out the string passed to ``message()``. """ kml = Kml() message("Making and writing kml to " + output_file, verbosity) for user in parsed_users: # Generate a kml point for the user. kml.newpoint(name=user[2], coords=[(user[1], user[0])], description=user[3])
[docs]def make_csv(parsed_users, output_file, verbosity): """This function reads the user data supplied by ``parsed_users``, it then generates csv output and writes it to ``output_file``. ``parsed_users`` should be a list of lists, each sub_list should have 4 elements: ``[latitude, longitude, name, comment]`` If ``verbosity`` >= ``1`` it will print out the string passed to ``message()``. """ csvfile = open(output_file, 'w', newline='') csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) message("Making and writing csv to " + output_file, verbosity) for user in parsed_users: csvwriter.writerow(user) csvfile.close # If the script is being run and not imported...
if __name__ == "__main__": from argparse import ArgumentParser from configparser import ConfigParser # Define and parse arguments. parser = ArgumentParser(description="ArchMap geojson/kml generator") parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', help="Show info messages") parser.add_argument("--config", metavar="FILE", default=default_config, help="Use an alternative configuration file \ instead of /etc/archmap.conf") parser.add_argument("--users", metavar="FILE", help="Use FILE for a list of users \ instead of getting the list from the ArchWiki") parser.add_argument("--geojson", metavar="FILE", help="Output the geojson to FILE, use 'no' to disable output") parser.add_argument("--kml", metavar='FILE', help="Output the kml to FILE, use 'no' to disable output") parser.add_argument("--csv", metavar='FILE', help="Output the csv to FILE, use 'no' to disable output") parser.add_argument("--geojsonio", action="store_true", default=False, help="Send the geojson to for processing") args = parser.parse_args() # Try to use the config file. If it doesn't exist, use the defaults. try: config = ConfigParser() verbosity = int(config['extras']['verbosity']) output_file_users = config['files']['users'] output_file_geojson = config['files']['geojson'] output_file_kml = config['files']['kml'] output_file_csv = config['files']['csv'] send_to_geojsonio = config['extras']['geojsonio'] except: message("Warning: Configuation file error, using defaults", verbosity=1) verbosity = default_verbosity output_file_users = default_users output_file_geojson = default_geojson output_file_kml = default_kml output_file_csv = default_csv send_to_geojsonio = default_geojsonio # Finally, parse the command line arguments, anything passed to them will # override both the defaults in this script and anything in the config file. if args.verbose is not None: verbosity = args.verbose if args.users is not None: message("Using " + args.users + " for user data", verbosity) output_file_users = args.users else: get_users(output_file_users, verbosity) if args.geojson is not None: output_file_geojson = args.geojson if args.kml is not None: output_file_kml = args.kml if args.csv is not None: output_file_csv = args.csv if args.geojsonio is True: send_to_geojsonio = True elif send_to_geojsonio != "no": send_to_geojsonio = True else: send_to_geojsonio = False # If the geojsonio module was not or could not be imported, print an error message. if send_to_geojsonio is True and geojsonio is False: message("""Warning: You need to 'pip install' and download '' from to this directory before you can use --geojsonio""", verbosity=1) send_to_geojsonio = False # Do what's needed. if output_file_geojson == "no" and \ output_file_kml == "no" and \ output_file_csv == "no" and \ send_to_geojsonio is False: message("There is nothing to do", verbosity) else: parsed_users = parse_users(output_file_users, verbosity) if output_file_geojson != "no" or send_to_geojsonio is True: make_geojson(parsed_users, output_file_geojson, send_to_geojsonio, verbosity) if output_file_kml != "no": make_kml(parsed_users, output_file_kml, verbosity) if output_file_csv != "no": make_csv(parsed_users, output_file_csv, verbosity)