Source code for archmap

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import csv
import logging
import re
from decimal import Decimal
from urllib.request import urlopen

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from geojson import dumps
from geojson import Feature
from geojson import FeatureCollection
from geojson import Point
from simplekml import Kml

    from systemd import journal
    systemd = True
except ImportError:
    systemd = False

# Define the verbosity level:
# '0' will disable the message printing,
# '1' will enable it.
default_verbosity = 0

# Set the default config file location, this is overridden if the --config switch is used.
# If the --geojson, --kml or --csv switches are used,
# they will override the settings in the config file.
default_config = '/etc/archmap.conf'

# Define where to get the wiki list from.
# If a file path is supplied to 'default_file', it will be used instead of the URL
default_url = ''
default_file = ''

# Set the output locations for users, GeoJSON, KML and CSV.
# Setting any of the following to 'no' will disable the output.
# These settings are overridden by the config file, if it exists.
default_users = '/tmp/archmap_users.txt'
default_geojson = '/tmp/archmap.geojson'
default_kml = '/tmp/archmap.kml'
default_csv = 'no'

logging.basicConfig(format='==> %(message)s')
log = logging.getLogger('archmap')

if systemd is not False:

[docs]def get_users(url='', local=''): """This funtion parses the list of users from the ArchWiki and returns it as a string. Args: url (string): Link to a URL that points to a ArchWiki ArchMap list (default) local (string): Path to a local copy of the ArchWiki ArchMap source Returns: string: The raw text list of users """ if local == '': # Open and decode the page from the URL containing the list of users.'Getting users from the ArchWiki: {}'.format(url)) wiki = urlopen(url) wiki_source = else: # Open and decode the local page containing the list of users. with open(local, 'r') as wiki:'Getting users from a local file: {}'.format(local)) wiki_source = # Grab the user data between the second set of <pre> tags. soup = BeautifulSoup(wiki_source, 'html.parser') wiki_text = soup.find_all('pre')[1].text.strip() return wiki_text
[docs]def parse_users(users): """This function parses the wiki text from ``users`` into it's components. Args: users (string): Raw user data from the ArchWiki Returns: list: A list of lists, each sub_list has 4 elements: ``[latitude, longitude, name, comment]`` """ users = users.splitlines() parsed = [] # Expression that matches one-half of a coordinate pair. Results in 3 groups: Full, before decimal and after decimal re_coord = r'((\-?\d+)\.*(\d+)?)' # Expression that matches the name inside the quote marks and puts that into a group re_name = r'"(.*)"' # Expression that puts the comment in a group re_comment = r'(.*)' # Compiled expression that combines all of the groups with the stuff inbetween. Results in 8 groups: # 1. Full latitude # 2. Latitude before decimal # 3. Latitude after decimal # 4. Full longitude # 5. Longitude before decimal # 6. Longitude after decimal # 7. Name # 8. Comment re_whole = re.compile(str(re_coord + r'\s*,\s*' + re_coord + r'[^a-zA-Z]*' + re_name + r'\s*#*\s*' + re_comment))'Parsing ArchWiki text') for line in users: # Retun None unless the line fully matches the RE re_whole_result = re_whole.fullmatch(line) if re_whole_result: latitude = Decimal( longitude = Decimal( name = comment = parsed.append([latitude, longitude, name, comment]) else: log.error('Bad line: {}'.format(line)) return parsed
[docs]def make_users(parsed_users, output_file): """This function reads the raw text supplied by ``users``, it then writes it to ``output_file``. Args: parsed_users (list): A list of lists, each sub_list should have 4 elements: ``[latitude, longitude, name, comment]`` output_file (open): Location to save the text output """ users = '' for user in parsed_users: latitude = user[0] longitude = user[1] name = user[2] comment = user[3] # This follows the formatting defined here: # users += '{},{} "{}" # {}\n'.format(latitude, longitude, name, comment) # If the last user didnt have a comment, go back to that line # and strip the trailing whitespace then replace the newline (prevents editor errors) users = users.strip('\n').strip() + '\n''Writing raw user list to ' + output_file) # Write the text to 'output_file'. with open(output_file, 'w') as output: output.write(users)
[docs]def make_geojson(parsed_users, output_file): """This function reads the user data supplied by ``parsed_users``, it then generates GeoJSON output and writes it to ``output_file``. Args: parsed_users (list): A list of lists, each sub_list should have 4 elements: ``[latitude, longitude, name, comment]`` output_file (open): Location to save the GeoJSON output """ geojson = []'Making and writing GeoJSON to ' + output_file) for id, user in enumerate(parsed_users): # Generate a GeoJSON point feature for the user and add it to 'geojson'. point = Point((float(user[1]), float(user[0]))) feature = Feature(geometry=point, properties={'Comment': user[3], 'Name': user[2]}, id=id) geojson.append(feature) # Make 'geojson_str' for output. geojson_str = (dumps(FeatureCollection(geojson), sort_keys=True, indent=4)) + '\n' output = open(output_file, 'w') output.write(geojson_str) output.close()
[docs]def make_kml(parsed_users, output_file): """This function reads the user data supplied by ``parsed_users``, it then generates KML output and writes it to ``output_file``. Args: parsed_users (list): A list of lists, each sub_list should have 4 elements: ``[latitude, longitude, name, comment]`` output_file (open): Location to save the KML output """ kml = Kml()'Making and writing KML to ' + output_file) for user in parsed_users: # Generate a KML point for the user. kml.newpoint(name=user[2], coords=[(user[1], user[0])], description=user[3])
[docs]def make_csv(parsed_users, output_file): """This function reads the user data supplied by ``parsed_users``, it then generates CSV output and writes it to ``output_file``. Args: parsed_users (list): A list of lists, each sub_list should have 4 elements: ``[latitude, longitude, name, comment]`` output_file (open): Location to save the CSV output """ csvfile = open(output_file, 'w', newline='') csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)'Making and writing CSV to ' + output_file) for user in parsed_users: csvwriter.writerow(user) csvfile.close()
def main(): from argparse import ArgumentParser from configparser import ConfigParser log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) # Define and parse arguments. parser = ArgumentParser(description='ArchMap GeoJSON/KML generator') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', help='Show info messages') parser.add_argument('--config', metavar='FILE', default=default_config, help='Use an alternative configuration file \ instead of /etc/archmap.conf') parser.add_argument('--url', metavar='URL', help='Use an alternative URL to parse the wiki list from') parser.add_argument('--file', metavar='FILE', help='Use a file to parse the wiki list from') parser.add_argument('--users', metavar='FILE', help="Output the user list to FILE, use 'no' to disable output") parser.add_argument('--geojson', metavar='FILE', help="Output the GeoJSON to FILE, use 'no' to disable output") parser.add_argument('--kml', metavar='FILE', help="Output the KML to FILE, use 'no' to disable output") parser.add_argument('--csv', metavar='FILE', help="Output the CSV to FILE, use 'no' to disable output") args = parser.parse_args() # Try to use the config file. If it doesn't exist, use the defaults. try: config = ConfigParser() verbosity = int(config['extras']['verbosity']) input_url = config['files']['url'] input_file = config['files']['file'] output_file_users = config['files']['users'] output_file_geojson = config['files']['geojson'] output_file_kml = config['files']['kml'] output_file_csv = config['files']['csv'] except Exception as e: log.warning('Warning: Configuation file error: {}. Using defaults'.format(e)) verbosity = default_verbosity input_url = default_url input_file = default_file output_file_users = default_users output_file_geojson = default_geojson output_file_kml = default_kml output_file_csv = default_csv # Finally, parse the command line arguments, anything passed to them will # override both the defaults in this script and anything in the config file. if args.verbose is not None: verbosity = args.verbose if verbosity >= 1: log.setLevel(logging.INFO) if args.url is not None: input_url = args.url if args.file is not None: input_file = args.file if args.users is not None: output_file_users = args.users if args.geojson is not None: output_file_geojson = args.geojson if args.kml is not None: output_file_kml = args.kml if args.csv is not None: output_file_csv = args.csv # Do what's needed. if output_file_users == 'no' and \ output_file_geojson == 'no' and \ output_file_kml == 'no' and \ output_file_csv == 'no': log.warning('There is nothing to do') else: users = get_users(url=input_url, local=input_file) parsed_users = parse_users(users) if output_file_users != 'no': make_users(parsed_users, output_file_users) if output_file_geojson != 'no': make_geojson(parsed_users, output_file_geojson) if output_file_kml != 'no': make_kml(parsed_users, output_file_kml) if output_file_csv != 'no': make_csv(parsed_users, output_file_csv) # If the script is being run and not imported... if __name__ == '__main__': main()